1 Introduction
From the Manners of Islaam: Honouring the Parents From the Noble Qur'aan & the Authentic Ahaadeeth
Translated by Farhat Abbas Abu Abdullaah al-Mirpuree May Allaah forgive Me & My parents & all Muslims.
Verily all praises are for Allaah, He is the One we seek help from, and seek forgiveness from, and we seek refuge in Allaah evil of our souls and the evil of our actions, whoever is guided will never be misled and whoever is misled will never be guided, and I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that I associate no partners with Him, and I testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
O you who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islaam.144
O mankind ! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate, and from them both scattered many men and women, and fear Allaah through whom you demand your mutual (rights) and not to cut the relations of the wombs (kinship). Surely Allaah is ever a Watcher over you.145
O you Believe ! keep your duty to Allaah, and speak (always) the truth. He will direct you to do good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And who-so-ever obeys Allaah and His Messenger, he verily has got a great success.146
After that :- Indeed the best discussion is the Book of Allaah and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and the evil is in the novelties and all novelties are innovation, all innovations are misguidance and all that misguides is in the fire.147
Having prayed Salaah of Jumaah on the 16th of Rabi al- Awwal in the year 1403 Hijrah, in the Masjid Salahuddeen in Amman, and the Khateeb was my brother and my good teacher (Abu Malik) Muhammad Ibraheem Shaqraa', May Allaah bless him, and give him benefit.
During the lecture he reminded the people of the neccessity of holding on to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and in the subject he narrated the words of the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , which is narrated by `Anas bin Maalik may Allaah be pleased with him who said, I saw the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw climb on the steps of the mimbar, then say, "Ameen!" then climb the second step and say, "Ameen!" Then climb the third step and say, "Ameen!" then mount and sit down, so his companions said, On who do you send Ameen? He said: "Jibraeel came to me said, May his nose be rubbed in dust, who remembers you and does not send peace on you, so I said Ameen, so he said, May his nose be rubbed in dust, who attains parents/father and
does not enter the Paradise , so I said Ameen, so he said, may his nose be rubbed in dust, who attains Ramadhan and is not forgiven by it, so I said Ameen!"
This hadeeth was transmitted with a great effect, and it gave me the idea of putting together a small booklet gathering the Ayat of the Qur'an and the authentic Ahadeeth of the Prophet, that which is related to the topic of `Honouring the parents' in this time there are many Muslims who are weak in caring for their mothers and fathers and their growing in the Deen, and not being foremost in their rights which has made obligatory for them, so I resolved trusting in Allaah Glory be to Him the Exalted, and started reading the Book of Allaah and making sure of every Ayah, and stopping on those Ayat which are connected to this booklet, after this returned to research the authentic Ahadeeth in the books of Sunnah, so therefore I have cut down my research on those Hadeeth which scholars of hadeeth of old and of this time have authenticated.
And in the course of introduction and my studying for this subject from my learned teacher, the good Shaikh Muhammad Nasiruddeen al-Albaanee in the printing of the subject in this booklet `Honouring the Parents' the teacher AbdulRaoof al-Hanawee, and so the ability was occured from one brother, the cost of reading and studying and the benefit is for him, difference, with big differences on the way of researching which is easy, the weak ahadeeth and the story is long and not benefical, so the Qur'anic Ayaat are shortened in this booklet of mine, which are aligned with the explanation of words, purely on the tafseer of the Qur'an by the Imam al-Hafidh Ibn Katheer, and authentic ahadeeth only, and I canot pass by without appointing a gratefulness to my good teacher Muhammad Nasiruddeen al- Albaanee who appointed for me his book in manuscript `Saheeh al-Targheeb wa Tarheeb' and which has not been printed except the first volume, I ask Allaah Glory be to Him the Exalted to make easy the printing of the other volumes, whihc benefited me greatly from knowing the authentic ahadeeth in this subject I researched I appoint gratefulnesss to brother `Awnee Ashreef who went through the index of `Saheeh al-Jaamee' many times, which made it easy for me to know the authentic ahaadeeth for the subject of my booklet, and I am grateful to all those who , I ask of Allaah Glory be to Him the Exalted, indeed this booklet will benefit the Muslims, to give them and me knowledge which we will benefit by after death, and make us amongst those who do honour the parents, and to make it purely for His Exalted Face, and benefit us by, The Day where on neither wealth nor sons will avail except him who brings to Allaah a sound hear ( as a Believer) 26:88-89
2 The Advice of the Noble Qur'an with Parents
1. And your Lord has decred that you worship none but Him and that you be dutiful to parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. ) And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say : `My Lord, bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was little.' )Your Lord knows best what is in your minds. If you are righteous, then verily! He is ever Most forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again in obedience, and in repentance.148
2. And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship and his weaning is in two years, give thanks to Me and to your parents. - To Me is the destination. ) But if they strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly and follow the path of him who repents to Me. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.149
3. And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents, but if they strive to make you join with Me (in worship) anything of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not. unto Me is your return and I shall tell you what you used to do.150
4. And We have enjoined on mankind, to be dutiful to his parents, with hardship bears him his mother and with hardship she brings him forth and the bearing of him and the weaning of him is 30 months till when he attains full strength and reaches 40 years he says : ` My Lord ! Grant me that I may be grateful for your favour which you have bestowed upon me and upon my parents and that I may do good deeds, such as please You, and make my offspring. truly I have turned to you in repentance, and truly I am one of the Muslims. @ Such are they from whom we shall accept the best of their deeds and overlook their evil deeds. (they shall be ) among the companions of Paradise , a promise of truth, which they have been promised. @ But he who says to his parents `uff upon you both ! Do you hold out the promise to me that I shall be raised up (again) when generations before me have passed away (without rising)?' While they (two) invoke Allaah for help
(and say), `woe to you ! Believe ! Verily the promise of Allaah is true.' But he says, ` This is nothing but tales of the ancient !' @ Those are they against whom is justified the Word (of torment) among the previous generations of jinns and mankind that have passed away. Verily ! They are ever the losers. @ And for all there will be degrees according to that which they did, that He (Allaah) may recompense them in full for their deeds. And they will not be wronged. @ On the day when those who disbelieve will be exposed to the Fire ( it will be said), `You received your good things in the life of the world and you took your pleasure therein. But today you shall be recompensed with a torment of humiliation because you were arrogant in the land without a right and because you used to disobey (Allaah).151
5. They ask you (O Muhammad Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw ) what they should spend (in charity) Say, whatever you spend of good must be for parents and kindred and orphans and the needy and for wayfarers and whatever you do of good deeds truly Allaah knows it well.152
These are the Ayat which Allaah Glory be to Him, the Exalted has related to the parents, the near relatives, the orphans, and the poor and the wayfarers to give them charity and donations, and this is in the Hadeeth of the Messenger Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw "Your mother, and your father, and your sister, and your brother and the next and the next."153 And this hadeeth is the advice in honouring the parents on the children.
3 Honouring the Parents is a CharacteristicsExcelled in the Prophets
Allaah Glory be to Him the Exalted says about `Eesaa Ibn Maryam may peace and blessings be upon him :-
1. He (`Eesaa) said, `I am indeed a slave of Allaah, He has given me the scripture and made me a prophet, ) And He has made me blessed where - so - ever I be, and has enjoined on me prayer and zakat as long as I live. ) And dutiful to my mother, and made me not an unblessed and arrogant. ) And peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die and
the day I shall be raised alive.' ) Such was `Eesaa, son of Maryam. (It is) a statement of truth about which they doubt ( or dispute).154
And He the Exalted said on the tongue of Ibraheem may peace and blessings be upon him :-
2. O my Lord! Make me one who offer prayer perfectly and (also) from my offspring, our Lord ! And accept my invocation * Our Lord ! Forgive me and my parents, and (all) the Believers on the Day when the Reckoning will be established.155
And He the Exalted again says on the tongue of Ibraheem may peace and blessing be upon him :-
3. My Lord ! Bestow knowledge and understanding on me and join me with the righteous. * And grant me an honouable mention in later generations. * And make make me one of the inheritors of the Paradise of delight. * And forgive my father, verily he is of the erring. * And disgrace me not on the Day when they (all the creatures) will be raised up.156
And He the Exalted says about Sulaiman may peace & blessings be upon :
4. Until, when they came to the valley of the ants, one of the ants said : O ants ! Enter your dwellings, lest Sulaiman and his hosts crush you, while they perceive it not. @ So he (Sulaiman) smiled laughing at her speech and said : My Lord ! Give me thepower that I may be grateful for your favours which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good deeds that will please You and admit me by Your Mercy among Your righteous slaves.157
And He the Exalted says about Nuh may peace and blessings be upon him :
5. And Nuh said : My Lord ! Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth. @ If You leave them they will mislead Your slaves and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers. @ My Lord ! Forgive me, and my parents, and him, who enters my home believing, and believing men and believing women. And to the wrongdoers grant you no increase but destruction.158
And He the Exalted says about Ismaheel may peace and blessings be upon him :
6. So We gave him glad tidings of a forbearing boy. @ And when (his son) was old enough to walk with him, he said : O my son ! I have seen in a dream that I am slaughtering you, (offer you in sacrifice to Allaah), so look what you think! He said : O my father ! do that which you are commanded, Allaah willing, you shall find me of the steadfast. @ Then when they had both surrendered ( to the will of Allaah) and he had laid him prostrate on his forehead ( for slaughtering). @ We called out to him, O Abraham ! @ You have already fulfilled the dream (vision) verily ! Thus do We reward the good-doers @ Verily ! that indeed was a manifest test @ And We ransomed him a great sacrifice, (a ram).159
And He the Exalted says about Yahya may peace and blessings be upon him :
7. (It was said to his son) : O Yahya ! Hold fast to the scripture. And We gave him wisdom while yet a child. @ And as a mercy from Us and purity, (to him Yahya) and he was righteous @ And dutiful towards his parents and he was not an arrogant nor disobedient ( to Allaah or his parents ). @ And peace on him the day he was born, the day that he dies, and the day that he will be raised up to life (again) !160
4 Doing good to Parents & Honouring them Directly after the Worship of Allaah His saying the Exalted :
1. And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. and that you be dutiful to your parents.161
And His saying the Exalted :
2. Worship Allaah and join none with Him in worship and do good to parents.162
And His saying the Exalted :
3. And (remember) when We took a covenant from the Children of
And His saying the Exalted :
4. Say, Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited you from : Join not anything in worship with Him, be good and dutiful to your parents.164
5. And the Hadeeth which is narrated by Abdullah ibn Mas'ood may Allaah be pleased with him, who said, I asked the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw Which action is loved to Allaah ? he said : "Prayer on its time," so I said : What next ? he said : "honouring parents," so I said : what next ? He said : "al-Jihad in the way of Allaah."165
5 Honouring Parents enters Paradise & Disobeying them enters the Fire
1. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw :
"May his nose be rubbed in dust, may his nose be rubbed in dust, may his nose be rubbed in dust." So I asked who O Messenger of Allaah ? He said : "Who attains parents with him who are old, whether one of them or both of them, then does not enter the Paradise ."166
2. On the authority of Anas bin Malik may Allaah be pleased with him who said : I saw the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw climb on the steps of the mimbar, then say, "Ameen!" then climb the second step and say, "Ameen!" then climb the third step and say, "Ameen!" then mount and sit down, so his companions said, On who do you send Ameen? He said: "Jibraeel came to me said, May his nose be rubbed in dust, who remembers you and does not send peace on you, so I said Ameen, so he said, May his nose be rubbed in dust, who attains parents/father and does not enter the Paradise, so I said Ameen, so he said, may his nose be rubbed in dust, who attains Ramadhan and is not forgiven by it, so I said Ameen!"
3. On the authority of Jabir bin Abee Sumrah may Allaah be pleased
with him, that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw climbed the mimbar and said : "Ameen, Ameen, Ameen !" then he said : "Jibraeel may peace and blessings be upon him, came to me and said : O Muhammad, he who attains a father who dies, so he enters the fire, so the worshipper of Allaah said : say Ameen, so I said Ameen, so he said, O Muhammad, he who attains the month of Ramadan and dies and is not forgiven will enter the fire, so the worshipper of Allaah said, say Ameen, so I said Ameen, so he said, and who remembers you and does not send peace on you and dies, will enter the fire, so the worshipper of Allaah said, say Ameen, so said Ameen."167
And in another narration by Ibn Hibban in Saheehah from the hadeeth of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him who said : And whoever attains a father or one of them, and does not honour them and dies, enters the fire, so the worshipper of Allaah said say Ameen, so I said Ameen.
And in the narration from al-Hakim and others from the hadeeth of Ka'ab bin Ujrah and in another saying :
" : After he who attains a father of old age of them and does not enter Paradise . So I said Ameen."
4. On the authority of Malik bin `Amroo al-Qasheeree may Allaah be pleased with him said : I heard the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw say :
"Who attends to an old age Muslim women so he is sacrificed from the fire, and whoever attains a mother or one, then is not forgiven, so the slave of Allaah ."
5. On the authority of Abee bin Malik may Allaah be pleased with him that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
"Whoever attains a mother or one of them then enters the fire, from after this the slave of Allaah ."168
6. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messengerof Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
"There are three that Allaah Tabaarak and Exalted have made Paradise prohibited for them, the alcoholic, and the disobedient, and off-spring which are uneasy evil in the family."
7. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with
them, who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
"Three types of people will not enter Paradise , and Allaah will not look at them on the Day of Ressurrection : the disobedient children, and the women who copy masculinity with men, and ."169
8. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them, that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
"They will not enter Paradise nor its blessing, not the disobedient and not the one addicted to alcohol."170
9. On the authority of Abee Umaamah may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
"There are three types from whom Allaah will not accept repentance from on the Day or Resurrection and not any sacrifice, disobedient, , and the one who lies about destiny."171
10. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
There are three types that Allaah will not look at them on the Day of Ressurrection, the one disobedient to his parents, and the women who copies the masculinity of men, and , and three types that will not enter Paradise, the disobedient to parents, and alcoholic, and the one who gives with .172
11. On the authority of Abee Darda may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
The disobedient will not enter the Paradise , nor will the alcoholic, and nor the one who lies about destiny.173
12. On the authority of Anas bin Malik may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
He cannot insist on a place in Paradise , the one addicted to alcohol, not the one who is disobedient to his parents, nor the obeyer of .174
13. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them, that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
They will not enter the domain of the Paradise , the drunkard, the one who disobeys and the .175
14. On the authority of `Amarooh bin Marah al-Jahnee may Allaah be pleased with him that a man came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said : O Messenger of Allaah I testify that there is none to be worshipped except Allaah, and that you are the Messenger of Allaah, and I pray five times a day, and I give Zakat from my wealth, and fast Ramadaan, so the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said : Who ever dies on this, he will be with the Prophets, and the truthful and the martyrs on the Day of Ressurrection, and half , but not those who disobey their mothers.
6 Allaah is Pleased with the Pleasing of the Parents & Angry with whom Angers them
1. On the authority of Abdullaah `Umarooh bin al-Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
The Lord is pleased with the pleasing of the parents, and the Lord is angry with whom angers the parents.176
2. Also on the authority of Abdullaah `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
The Lord is pleased with the pleasing of the parents, and angry with whom angers them.177
3. And in another narration Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
The Lord Tabarak and Exalted is pleased in the pleasing of the parents, and the anger of Allaah Tabarak and Exalted is in making the parents angry.
7 The Prohibition of the Rights of the Parents
His saying the Exalted :
1. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour. @ And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say : My Lord bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was little. @ Your Lord knows best what is in your minds if you are righteous, then verily ! He is ever most Forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again obedience, and in repentance.178
And the saying of the Exalted ;
2. But he who says to his parents, Uff upon you both ! Do you hold out the promise to me that I shall be raised up (again) when generations of jinns and mankind that have passed. Verily ! They are ever the losers @ And for all there will be degrees according to that which they did, that He (Allaah) make recompense them in full for their deeds. And they will not be wronged. @ On the Day when those who disbelieve will be exposed to the Fire (It will be said), You received your good things in the life of the world and you took your pleasure there-in. But to-day you shall be recompensed with a torment of humiliation because you were arrogant in the land without a right and because you used to disobey (Allaah).179
3. On the authority of al-Mughirah bin Shub'ah may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Indeed Allaah Azza wa Jaal has forbiden upon you the disobedience of the mothers, and burying alive of daughters, and wanting to stop the obligatory rights, and hates three things for you, and abundance of sayings without benefit, and asking too many questions, and wasting of wealth.180
4. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Indeed Allaah does not love the disobedient.181
5. On the authority of Abee ummamah may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
There are three that Allaah will not accept their repentance on the Day of Ressurrection, nor their sacrifice, the disobedient, and , and those who lie about destiny.182
8 Disobedience to the Parents is from the Major Sins
1. On the authority of Abee Bakrah may Allaah be pleased with him who said, the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Has news reached you of the great sins ? we said : No O Messenger of Allaah, he said : associating partners with Allaah and disobedience to parents, and he was leaning, so sat up, so he said, the false saying, and the false witness, so he carried on speaking until I wished for him to be silent.183
2. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them, that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
The major sins : associating partners with Allaah, and disobeying the parents, and killing of the soul, and perjury will be dipped into the fire.184
3. Anas may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw reminded them about the major sins, so he said :
Associating parents with Allaah and disobeying the parents.185
4. In the book that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw had written to be sent with a delegation to the people of Yemen with `Amrooh bin Hazm :
Indeed the Major sins with Allaah, on the Day of Resurrection are
associating partners with Allaah, and killing a Muslim without the right, and deserting in the path of Allaah in the advance of the army, and disobedience of the parents, and stoning of a chaste woman, and knowledge of magic, and the eating of interest, and eating of the wealth of the orphan.186
9 Honouring the Parents is Preceeding al-Jihad in the Way of Allaah
1. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Masood may Allaah be pleased with him, who said :
I asked the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw Which action is loved to Allaah ? he said : "Prayer on its time," so I said : What next ? he said : "honouring parents," so I said : what next ? He said : "al-Jihad in the way of Allaah."187
Putting off the Jihaad for honouring the Parents & Accompanying them, Because Paradise is Under the Feet of the Mother
1. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with him who said, a man came to meet the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said : I want to go with you on the migration and the Jihad, because I want reward from Allaah Azza wa Jal, so he said : Are one of your parents alive? yes, both of them, so he said : Youwant reward from Allaah Azza wa jal? he said : yes, so he said : So go back to your parents and the goodness is in keeping them company.188
2. In another narration on the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bin al-Aaas may Allaah be pleased with htem, who said : a man came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and asked to go on the Jihad, so he said : Are your parents alive ? he said : yes He said : With them is the Jihad.189
3. On the authority of Abdullaah bin `Umarooh bn al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them who said that a man came to the Messenger of
Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said, I have come to go with you on the migration, and I left my father crying, so he said, go back to them, and make them laugh, like you make them cry.190
4. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him, who said that a man came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said I want to go on the Jihad, so he said, Are your parents alive ? he said : Yes so he said : With them is he Jihad.191
5. on the Authority of Talha bin Muwayeeyah as-Salmee may Allaah be pleased with him, who said that the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw came so I said O Messenger of Allaah I desire to go on Jihad in the way of Allaah ? he said : Is your mother alive ? he answered yes. The Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said : Under the feet of the parents there is Paradise.192
6. On the authority of Muwayeeyah bin Jahmaa that Jahmaa came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said, O Messenger of Allaah I desire to participate along side you in a battle ? he said : Do you have a mother ? he said : Yes, so he said : Serve them, Indeed the Pardise is with their feet.193
7. Also on the authority of Muwayeeyah bin Jahmaa with the words : I came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw wanting to participate in the jihad, so the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said : Do you have parents ? so I said yes, so he said : so serve them, indeed the Paradise is under their feet.194
8. Abee Saeed may Allaah be pleased with him who said that a man came to the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw doing Hijra from Yemen, so he said : Do you have one of your parents in Yemen ? he said : My father, he said : Did you listen to him ? he said no, he said return to him and listen to him, indeed listening to him is Jihad, and honouring them.195
10 Honouring Parents is from the Righteous Actions which Mankind can Pray to Allaah by it
On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
While three persons were travelling, they were overtaken by rain and they took shelter in a cave in a mountain. A big rock fell from the mountain over the mouth of the cave and blocked it. They said to each other think of such good (righteous) deeds which, you did for Allaah's sake only, and invoke Allaah by giving reference to those deeds so that Allaah may relieve you from your difficulty. One of them said, O Allaah ! I had my parents who were very old and I had small children for whose sake I used to work as a shephered. When I returned to them at night and milked (the sheep), I used to start giving the milk to my parents first before giving the milk to my parents first before giving to my children. And one day I went far away in search of a grazing place (for my sheep), and I didn't return home till late at night and found that my parents had slept. I milked (my live stock) as usual and brought hte milk vessel and stood at their heads, and I disliked to wake them up from their sleep, and I also disliked to give the milk to my children before my parents though my childrenwere crying (from hunger) at my feet. So this state of mine and theirs continued till the day dawned. ( O Allaah!) If you considered that I had done that only for seeking Your pleasure, then please let there be an opening through which we can see the sky. So Allaah made for them an opening through which they could see the sky. then the second person said : O Allaah ! I had a she cousin whom I loved as much as a passionate man loves a woman, I tried to seduce her but she refused till I paid her one hundred Dinars. So I worked hard till I collected one hundred Dinars and went to her with that. But when I sat in between her legs (to have sexual intercourse with her), she said : O Allaah's slave ! Be afraid of Allaah ! Do not deflower me except legally (by marriage contract). ! So I left her. O Allaah ! If You considered that I had done that only for seeking Your pleasure. Then please let the rock move a little to have (wider) opening. So Allaah shifted that rock to make the opening wider for them. And the last (third) person said, O Allaah ! I employed a labourer for wages equal to a Faraq (a certain measure) of rice, and when he had finished his job, he demanded his wages, but when I presented his due to him, he gave it up and refused to take it. Then I kept on sowing that rice for him (several times) till I managed to buy with the price of the yield, some cows and their shepherd. Later on the labourer came to me and said (O Allaah's slave!) Be afraid of Allaah, and do not be unjust to me and give me my due. I said (to him). Go and take those cows and their shepherd so he took them and went away. (So, O Allaah!) If You considered that I had done that for seeking Your pleasure, then please remove that remaning part of the rock. and so Allaah released them (from their difficulty).196
11 Pleasing the Parents Preceeds Pleasing the Wife
1. On the authority of Ibn Umar may Allaah be pleased with them, who said that there was a woman under me that I loved, and Umar used to dislike her, so he said to me divorce her from your home, then the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw came and he was told about this, so the Messenger of Allaah said to me Divorce her !
2. On the authority of Abee Darda may Allaah be pleased with him who said that a man came and said, with me is awoman, and indeed my mother has commanded me to divorce her, so I said I heard the Messengerof Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw say :
The son is between the door of Paradise, if he wants he can leave this door or protects it.
3. The narration in Ibn Hibban in saheehah with the words : A man came to Abaa Darda, and said my father is not until my wife, and he has commanded me to divorce her, so he said, I will not command you to disobey your parents, nor will I command you to divorce your wife, except that I will tell you about this situation and what I heard the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw say, I heard him say :
The son is in the center of the door of Paradise, he can protect this door, or he can leave it.
4. On the authority of Mu'adh bin Jabal who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw advised him with ten things, he said :
Do not associate anything with Allaah, and do not kill anyone, and burn anyone, and do not disobey your parents, even if they tell you to leave your family and your wealth
12 Honouring the Mother Preceeds that of the Father
1. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him, who said that a man came to the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said : O Messenger of Allaah, out of the rights of mankind which of my companions do I do good to ? he said : Your mother, so he said : who next ? he said : Your mother so he said, who next he said Your mother so he said who next ? he said Your father!197
2. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him
who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Your mother, then your mother, then your mother, then your father, then the next relatives, then the next.198
3. In another narration :
Your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, then after them, after them.199
4. On the authority of Miqdam that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Indeed Allaah advises/recommends you, your mothers, (he said this three times) indeed Allaah the Exalted advises/recommends you, your fathers, (he said this two times) indeed Allaah the Exalted advises/recommends you with your relatives, then the next relatives.200
13 The Prayer of the Parents is Answered Directly
(Put the hadeeth of "don't let him die until he sees the faces of prostitutes")
1. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Three prayers are answered directly, there is no doubt in that, the prayer of the father on the son/or children the prayer of the traveller, and the prayer of the oppressed.201
2. On the authority of Anas may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
There are three prayers which are not rejected, the prayer of the father for his children, prayer of the person fasting, and the prayer of the traveller.202
3. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Three prayers that are answered directly, there is no doubt in that, the prayer of the oppressed, and the prayer of the traveller, and the prayer of the father for his children.203
14 From Honouring the Parents is Behaving Kindly to them & if they are Disbelievers then Praying for their Health & Guidance
The saying of the Exalted :
1. But if they strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others that of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly and follow the path of him who repents to Me, then to Me will be your return and I shall tell you what you used to do.204
The saying of Allaah Glory be to Him, the Exalted on the tongue of the righteous Ibraheem, may peace and blessings be upon him :
2. And (also) mention in the Book (Qur'an) (the story of) Ibraheem. Verily ! He was a man of truth, a Prophet. @ When he said to his father, O may father ! Why do you worship that which hears not, nor sees, nor can avail you in anything ? @ O my father! Verily ! There has come to me of knowledge that which came not unto you. So follow me. I will guide you to a straight path @ O my father ! Worship not Shaitan. Verily ! Shaitan is a rebel against the Beneficient (Allaah) @ O My father ! Verily ! I fear unless a torment from the Beneficient (Allaah) overtake you. So that you become a friend of shaitan.205
The saying of the Exalted :
3. O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allaah even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin.206
This Ayah and the Ayat which preceeded show that the parents are a
scale with the children, and firstly he should not pray for the health and guidance for mankind that are near, and then for his relatives, but should stand for justice on his parents and their right guidance to the command of Allaah, honouring them.
4. On the authority of Asmaa daughter of Abee Bakr may Allaah be pleased with them who said : serving my mother, and she was a mushrik, and and enemy of the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , I questioned the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw asking, serving my mother, and attending to her, can I greet my mother ? he said : Yes greet your mother.207
5. In another narration Asmaa said : I craved to care for my mother, and she craves for the Mushrikeen, so I said O Messenger of Allaah I crave to care for my mother, but she wants to be a mushrik, can I greet her ? he said Yes greet your mother.208
6. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him who said : I used to give Daw'a of Islaam to my mother, and she is a mushrik, I gave her Daw'a everyday until I heard her disliking the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , then the Messengerof Allaah came, and I began to cry, so I said O Messenger of Allaah I used to give daw'a to my mother of Islaam, until today when I heard her disliking you, so pray to Allaah for the guidance of the mother of Abee Huraira, so the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said O Allaah guide the mother of Abee Huraira. I left happily with the prayer of the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , I came to the door but it was closed, I heard the footsteps of my mother, then she said to me stay in your place O Abee Huraira, and I heard jolts of water, she said I wshed and clothed in , and rushed to the alcohol, then opened the door, then she said , O Abee Huraira I testify that Indeed there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and I testify that indeed Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, so I returned to the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , has I reached there I started to cry from happiness then I said O Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , Allaah has answered your prayer, and guided the mother of the Abee Huraira, praise be to Allaah and ask Him again, and say good. I said O Messenger of Allaah pray to Allaah to love me and my mother to be His believing slaves and to love us, so the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said O Allaah love your worshipper and his mother, to believing worshippers, and love them the believers. so the created believers listen and do not except those I love.209
7. On the authority of Mussaib bin Sad on the authority of his father
about whom the Ayat of the Qur'an came down, he said the mother of Sa'd swore that she would never speak to him until he rejected his Deen, nor would she eat, nor drink, I said I believe that indeed Allaah will advice you with your parents, and about the command of your mother, he said it will silence three, until she faints from the excersion, her son standing will say , so I prayed for Sa'd, so Allaah Azza wa Jaal sent down in the Ayat of the Qur'an :
And We have enjoined on man to be good and dutiful to his parents
But if they strive with you to make join in worship with Me others that of which you no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly.210
15 The Great Virtue of Parents
1. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
It is not enough, the father and mother except that they are a new gift, not bought nor free.211
16 Reviling & Cursing the Parents is from the Major Sins
1. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umarooh bin al- Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
From the major sins is a man reviling his parents, we said, O Messenger of Allaah and how does a man reviling his parents ? he said Yes, reviling a mans father is reviling your father, and reviling his mother is reviling your mother.212
2. In another narration :
Indeed from the biggest of the major sins is a man cursing his parents. we said O Messenger of Allaah how can a man curse his parents ? he said, cursing the father of a man, is cursing his father, and cursing the mother of a man, is cursing his mother.213
3. On the authority of `Aamir bin Wathlah who said : We were with `Ali bin Abee Talib, a man came said, what did the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw confide with you ? he was angry and he said the Prophet never told me anything secrect, which he did not tell the people except four things, he said what are those O leader of the beleivers ? he said : Allaah's curse is on whoever curses his parents, and Allaah's curse is on who slaughters for other than Allaah, and Allaah's curse is on, one who does bid'ah, and Allaah's curse is on, one who on the earth.214
4. On the authority of Ibn Abbas may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Curse be upon whoever reviles his father, curse be upon whoever reviles his mother curse be upon on whoever slaughters for other than Allaah, curse on on the earth. Curse be on whoever misguides a blind person on the street, curse on whoever on , Curse be on whoever does what the nation of Lut did.215
17 The Son is from the Property of his Father
1. On the authority of Jabir bin Abdullaah may Allaah be pleased with him who said :
Once a man said : O Messenger of Allaah, indeed to me are my wealth and sons, and indeed my father wants a of my wealth, so the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
You and your wealth is your fathers.216
2. On the authority of Abdullaah Umarooh bin al-Aaas may Allaah be pleased with them, that an arab came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said : Indeed to me are my wealth and my sons, and indeed my parents want from my wealth so he said : You and Your wealth is your fathers, indeed your children are form your righteous property, so eat from the property of your children.217
3. On the authority of `Aaesha may Allaah be pleased with her, who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Indeed eat from the good things of your property, and indeed your children are from your rightful property.218
4. Also on the authority of `Aaesha may Allaah be pleased with her, with a different wording
Indeed a man eats from the good of his property and indeed his son is from his property.219
5. Also on another narration of `Aaesha may Allaah be pleased with her
The son is from the property of a man from the good property, so eat from their wealth.220
6. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with them both :
A man came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and said : O Messenger of Allaah my father eats from wealth, the Messenger of Allaahs decision was You and your wealth are your fathers.221
7. In another narration on Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with them both ; that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said
The son is from the property of the father.222
8. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with both of them who said:
That a man came to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and attacking his father he said that he takes from his wealth, so Allaah's Messenger Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said to him :
Are not, you and your wealth, from the property of the father ?!223
18 Honouring the Parents After their Death
1. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with
them : Once he was leaving to Makkah, he was riding on a donkey and when the donkey would get tired he would ride the camel, and the head of it was very strong. It was like this during the days with the donkey. Once an arab passed by and said : Are you the son of so and so who is the son of so and so ? he said , No rather occupy my donkey, and said ride this and said it is strong on his head, so some of his companions said to him may Allaah forgive you, then came the arab withthe donkey, and was too firm on your head? I heard the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw say :
Indeed from honouring is greeting the man who is from the people loved by your father and indeed is a walee.224 and indeed his was a friend of Umar may Allaah be pleased with them.
2. On the authority of Abee Barda who said, I came to Madeenah, and Abdullaah bin Umar came and said : I had knowledge that you were not coming ? he said no, he said he heard the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw say : Who loves to greet his father in his grave, should greet the brothers (friends) of his father after him. and indeed between Abee Umar and between your father it was like this and they loved to greet that time.
3. On the authority of Abdullaah bin Umar may Allaah be pleased with them that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
From honouring is greeting the friends of your father.225
19 Good on the Parents is Giving Good Training to your Children so the Children do Righteousness which Benefit them after Death
1. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
When a man dies all his actions came to an end except three things, except from , recurring charity, or knowledge which people benefit by or a righteous son who prays for him.226
2. On the authority of Abee Qatada may Allaah be pleased with him who said that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
The good that a man leaves behined him is but three ; a righteous son who prays for him, and charity which grows in reward, and knowledge by which people act by after him.227
3. Also on the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Indeed what joins a believer from his good actions after his death. Knowledge by which people do good actions and , a weak righteous son, and a book which is inherited, or building a masjid, or building a home for sons of the way, or a courageous river, or charity which is taken from his wealth in good health and life which joins him after his death.228
4. On the authority of Ibn Abbas may Allaah be pleased with them : Sa'd bin Ubadah may Allaah be pleased with him, asked a question to the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw saying :
My mother died and can I dedicate for her? he said : Dedicate for her.229
5. Also on the authority of Ibn Abbas may Allaah be pleased with them said that a woman was riding on the sea and she dedicated to Allaah, If Allaah Tabarak and the Exalted gives success I will fast a month, Allaah azza wa Jal gave success, but she did not fast until she died, then one of her relatives came (her sister or her daughter) to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw , told him of this so he said : If you have seen her making this decision? she said yes he said, Indeed the Deen of Allaah is the truth, and makes the decision, so decide on your mother.230
6. On the authority of `Aaeshah may Allaah be pleased with her: A man said my mother died and did not advice and I think if she spoke it would have been charity, can I give charity for reward for her and for me ? he Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said Yes give charity on her behalf.231
7. On the authority of Ibn Abbas may Allaah be pleased with him : Sa'd bin Ubadah's mother died but he was absent, so he said O Messenger of Allaah my mother has died, and I was absent, can I benefit her with anything in charity ? he said : Yes. and I witnessed him placing in charity for her.232
8. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him :
A man said to the Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw verily my father has died and left wealth and no advise, so can I atone charity on him ? he said Yes.233
9. On the authority of Buraida may Allaah be pleased with him who said , I was sitting with the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw and a woman came and said, I want to give charity on my mother, and she is dead, so he said, : Reward for you is obligatory, and the return on you is the inheritence. She said O Messenger of Allaah if she wanted to fast a month can I fast on her ? he said fast on her. she said she did not do Hajj can I do Hajj for her ? he said : Do Hajj for her.234
10. On the authority of Abee Huraira may Allaah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw said :
Indeed a man rises grades in Paradise, he said am I too like this he said : with his son asking forgiveness for him.235
20 Finally
Finally brother Muslim, act on the Ayat of the Qur'an, which incite honouring and being generous on the parents and doing good to them, and you saw the noble Ayat which show the line of the Prophets of Allaah, and wanting to honour and to pray for their parents, and understanding from the noble Ayat and the authentic Prophetic Ahadeeth in connection directly with the worship of Allaah, and indeed with loving the parents and caring, and respecting them you enter the Paradise, an verily pleasing the parents is pleasing Allaah Tabarak and the Exalted, and annoying the parents is annoying Allaah, and Allaah Tabarak and the Exalted has prohibited transgressing the rights of the parents in His book and in the Sunnah of His Prophet on whom be the best of prayers and peace, and respecting for their rights is from the big major sins which the Messenger of Allaah Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw cautioned us of, and their companions desire for them and themselves to be bestowed the Paradise, by the permission of Allaah Tabarak and Exalted, and the Paradise is under their feet.
And also know that the prayer of the parents is answered by Allaah and not rejected, and the great virtue of the parents on us, and you also learnt brother Muslim, that the Messenger Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw cautioned us from reviling and cursing the parents and this and cursing mankind.
and our Prophet Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw told us, that we are from their property, and our Prophet Muhammad Lgs Idgu Ig?n Xgw claimed on us to do good on our parents, so after their death we gret those they used to love.
Brother Muslim all this was taken from the ayat of the Qur'an and the Prophets Hadeeth verily by Allaah even one ayah or one hadeeth commanding honouring the parents is sufficient for honouring the parents how are a number of Ayat and hadeeth !!!
So on you Brother Muslim be the desire and indeed the command of Allaah and His Messenger, and on you the rights of your parents, and give you a happy fragrance in this world and good reward in the hereafter.
O Lord give me good in this world and good in the hereafter and save me from the punishment of the fire.
and that is the end of my daw'a, Indeed all praises are for Allaah Lord of the worlds.
written by Nazzaam Sakkejaa
Indeed all Praise belongs to Allaah the Lord of the worlds, Farhat Abbas may Allaah forgive me 10 Sha'ban 1413 Hijra in al-Lahm farm between Khalideeh and Mafraq Jordan !!!!!
144 Soorah al-Imran 3 : 102
145 Soorah an-Nisaa 4 : 1
146 Soorah al-Ahzab 33 : 70-71
147 Khutbatul Hajjah
148 Soorah al-Israa : 23-25
149 Soorah Luqman 31 : 14-15
150 Soorah Ankaboot 29 : 8
151 Soorah al-Ahqaf 46 : 15-20
152 Soorah al-Baqarah 2 :215
153 Hasan narrated by Sahsah al-Mujasheey in Musnad Abee Ya'laa & at-Tabraanee in al-Kabeer & by al-Haakim authenticated by al-albaanee in saheeh al-jaamee no.1400.
154 Soorah Maryam 19 : 30-34
155 Soorah Ibraheem 14 : 30-31
156 Soorah Shur'aa 26 : 83-87
157 Soorah Naml 27 : 18-19
158 Soorah Nuh 71: 26-28
159 Soorah Saffat 37 : 101-107
160 Soorah Maryam 19: 12-15
161 Soorah Israa 17 : 23
162 Soorah an-Nisaa 4 : 36
163 Soorah al-Baqarah 2 : 83
164 Soorah an-Aaam : 151
165 Saheeh narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim
166 Saheeh narrated by Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal & Saheeh Muslim (5-6/8) & Saheeh al-Jaamee no. 3511
167 Saheeh narrated by at-Tabranee in al-Kabeer & Saheeh al-Jaamee no. 75
168 Saheeh narrated in the Musnad of Imam Ahmad & Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (515)
169 Isnaad Saheeh taken froman-Nisaa'ee, al-Haakim, al- Bayhaqee & Ahmad, see Hijab al-Mara tulMuslimah by al- Albaanee
170 Saheeh narrated by an-Nisaa'ee, Saheeh al-Jaame (7676) & Saheeh Sunan an-Nisaa'ee by al-Albaanee
171 Narrated by at-Tabraanee, Ibn Abee `Aasim, Ibn `Aasaakir graded Hasan by the Shaikh al-Albaanee see Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (1785)
172 Narrated by an-Nisaa'ee, Ahmad, Ibn Khuzaimah & Ibn Hibban graded saheeh by al-Albaanee in Silsilah al- Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (674)
173 Narrated by Ahmad & Ibn `Aasakir Saheeh see Silsilah al- Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (675) 174 Silseelah as-Saheehah (673)
175 Silseelah as-Saheehah (673)
176 Saheeh al-jaamee (3500) & Silseelah as-Saheehah (516)
177 Saheeh al-Jamee (3501)
178 Soorah Israa 17 : 23-25
179 Soorah al-Ahqaf 46: 17-20
180 Narrated Muslim (131/5) 181 Saheeh al-Jamee (1845)
182 Saheeh al-Jamee (3060)
183 arrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim
184 Narrated by al-Bukhari
185 Narrated by al-Bukhari
186 Narrated by Ibn Hibban in Saheehah
187 Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim
188 Narrated by Muslim (3/8)
189 Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim
190 Narrated by Abu Daawood
191 Narrated Muslim & Abu Dawood
192 Narrated at-Tabraanee & Hasan al-Albaanee
193 Narrated by Ibn Majah & an-Nisaaee & Hasan by al-Albaanee
194 Narrated by at-Tabraanee & Hasan al-Albaanee
195 Saheeh al-Jamee (905) & Irwaa al-Gahleel (1199)
196 Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim & Saheeh al-jamee (2867)
197 Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim
198 Saheeh al-jaamee (1395)
199 Saheeh al-Jaamee (1396)
200 Saheeh al-jaamee (1920)
201 Saheeh al-jaamee (3028)
202 Saheeh al-jaamee (3029)
203 Saheeh al-jaamee (3030)
204 Soorah Luqman 31 : 15
205 Soorah Maryam 19 : 41-45
206 Soorah an-Nisaa 4 : 135
207 Narrated by al-Bukhari
208 Narrated by Abu Dawood
209 Narrated by Muslim (165/7) Virtuesof Abee Huraira
210 Narrated by Muslim (126-125/7)
211 Narrated by Muslim (218/4M) & Saheeh al-Jaamee (7498)
212 Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim & Abu Dawood
213 Narrated by al-Bukhari & Muslim
214 Narrated by Muslim (84/6M)
215 Saheeh al-Jaamee (5767)
216 Irwaa' al-Gahleel (838) & Saheeh al-Jaamee (1498)
217 Irwaa al-Gahleel (838) & Saheeh al-Jaamee (1499) 218 Irwaa al-Gahleel (1626) & Saheeh al-Jaamee (1562) 219 Irwaa al-Gahleel (838) 220 Saheeh al-Jaamee (6996) 221 Irwaa al-Gahleel (838)
222 Irwaa al-Gahleel (838) & Saheeh al-Jaamee (7039)
223 Silseelah al-Hadeeth as-Saheehah (1548)
224 Narrated by Muslim (6/8m)
225 Saheeh al-Jaamee (5777)
226 Taken from Muslim (73/5)
227 Taken from Ibn Majah
228 Taken from Ibn Majah
229 Taken from al-Bukhari & Muslim
230 Taken from Abu Dawood
231 Taken from al-Bukhari & Muslim
232 Taken from al-Bukhari
233 Taken from Muslim
234 Saheeh Muslim (156/3)
235 Saheeh al-Jaamee (1613)
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